By bridging businesses, governments, and institutions across borders, KOTRA accelerates global partnerships and growth opportunities.

 Korea’s Industry Profile

 Global Manufacturing Partnership

KOTRA's Global Partnering initiative facilitates early-stage collaboration between global manufacturing giants and innovative Korean SMEs. KOTRA identifies high-potential suppliers and helps them integrate seamlessly into the value chain of major international companies. Whether you're looking for innovative partners or seeking to enhance your supply chain, KOTRA bridges the gap between Korea's dynamic SMEs and the global manufacturing landscape

 Service Industry Partnership 

KOTRA actively facilitates collaboration between Korean companies in the service sectors—such as education, content, franchising, smart logistics, fintech, and more—and their counterparts around the world. By leveraging Korea's innovative service solutions and connecting them with international businesses, we help unlock new growth opportunities and drive mutual success in global markets. Our initiatives are designed to support long-term partnerships, encourage knowledge exchange, and create sustainable business connections.

 Infrastructure & ICT Projects

KOTRA connects global companies and governments with qualified Korean partners for infrastructure and ICT projects. From consulting, design, and EPC, and to financing, KOTRA provides the necessary links to Korea's leading companies and institutions.


 Public Procurement

KOTRA supports governments and organizations worldwide in identifying capable Korean suppliers for public procurement projects including defense sector. KOTRA also helps potential Korean suppliers prepare for each country's specific procurement rules and procedures, ensuring seamless participation.

 Korea Defense Industry Export Support Center (KODITS)


 Knowledge Sharing Program

The Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) is a key initiative of the Korean government (Ministry of Economy and Finance) designed to share expertise and knowledge with partner countries, fostering stronger economic and political ties. KOTRA, as one of the three coordinating agencies, plays a vital role in facilitating this development cooperation.


 Overseas Investment 

KOTRA helps connect international stakeholders, such as governments and economic zones, with potential Korean investors interested in expanding their businesses overseas through comprehensive services such as market insights, communication facilitation, and legal advisory support.